Service to mankind is service to God ...........


Mr.Amos Nyaboga Mokaya

Message from the Chairperson

Welcome to Mwamogusii where we enjoy the benefits of unity and sow the seeds of goodwill to the people of mwamogusii


Charged with providing leadership and direction to the committee.The Chairperson is responsible for ensuring that the committee fulfils its responsibilities for the group success. The Chairperson is generally the spokesperson and works to maintain key relationships within and outside mwamogusii community

Vice Chairperson

Mr.Paul Ntabo

Message from the Vice Chairperson

Welcome to Mwamogusii community.We look forward to a brighter future together in this big family


Charged with providing leadership and direction to the committee. the Vice Chairperson is responsible for ensuring that the functions of the Chairperson are maintained in his absence


Mr.Joshua Omwansa Arosi

Message from the Treasurer

The future is clear for the people of mwamogusii.Everyday is a new opportunity to unite


Charged with providing accountability and mobilising funds for the operations of mwamogusii.He ensures the financial records are up to date and works to clear suppliers within the procurement agreements.

Secretary General

Mr.Vincent Mandela Otara

Message from the Secretary General

Welcome to Mwamogusii tomorrow will be better than today.Collect all the bricks presenting themselves as obstacles and rebuild your future.


Charged with providing and maintaining up to date records of membership,minutes of meetings and providing necessary systems for mwamogusii record keeping.The role is tasked with communication with the members in consultation with the executive committee

Assistant Secretary General

Mr.Lucas Mosoti

Message from the Assistant Secretary General

Good people make ways to new friends and work to maintain better and prosperous days of friendship


Charged with providing the functions of the Secretary General during absence of the Secretary General.Updates member data and works hand in hand with the Secretary General to retrieve data from new members to help them in their registration process.

Welfare Cordinator

Ms.Rhoda Bochaberi Ogero

Message from the Welfare Cordinator

Welcome to Mwamogusii together we stand divided we fall.Encouraging all to congregate with this wonderfull family


Charged with providing support to the group members in their social well being.Facilitates reconciliation of welfare compensations with bereaved family members.Ensures the members are updated on the new requirements in regards to their settlements

Group Councilor

Mr.Shadrack Ondieki Arisa

Message from the group Councilor

We give thanks for the opportunity to be with our brothers and sisters.Welcome to this great house and let us raise a community with the fear of the lord


Main adviser to the group.Charged with providing support to the group members in their social well being.Facilitates mechanisms of dispute resolutions and provides advice on the way forward.Advices the group on advancing on external engagements.